MQC in Action

ISO 250XX for Software Product Quality


Quality monitoring is a major challenge. This training class provides all relevant basics for the consistent and continuous assessment of product quality of embedded systems. Firstly, their quality depends on the application of suitable processes and secondly, on the implementation of specific quality assurance measures.

Using the MES Quality Commander (MQC), participants will learn how to quantify the success of individual measures and how the results of these measurements continuously influence product quality. We will explain the concepts of ISO 250XX and demonstrate how to use continuous quality evaluation through specific model-based software development processes and toolchain examples with the help of MQC. We will establish key aspects pertaining to core development standards such as ISO 26262 and show how continuous quality monitoring helps to implement these standards.

Price on Request
1 day
English or German
Online or on-site

Target Audience

This training class is targeted at quality managers and engineers, process managers, as well as developers, testing engineers, project, and team leaders who focus on the quality assurance of embedded software. Share your experiences and discuss with other tool users.


  • Basic concepts of software product quality in compliance with ISO 250XX
  • Applying quality models for transparent and sustainable quality assessments
  • Use cases for quality tracking
  • Relevant aspects of ISO 26262 compliance


  • Challenges of building systems for product quality monitoring
  • Objectives and structure of the ISO 250XX group of product quality standards
  • Basic concepts: measures and quality properties
  • Introduction to relevant quality aspects
  • Dimensions of quality monitoring
  • Handling the heterogeneity of artifacts
  • Quality calculation
  • Aggregation of quality by a quality model
  • Types of quality measurements functions
  • Aggregation of quality functions
  • The standard process for model-based development
  • Typical quality assurance procedures in model-based development
  • Base practices for software development

Hands-on: Quality assurance in model-based development of embedded software

  • Structure of quality models
  • Project structure and typical use cases
  • Constructing quality models
  • Defining project structures
  • Milestones in quality monitoring
  • Targets for measures and quality
  • Quality calculation for defined targets
  • Definition of targets and milestones
  • Evaluation of project quality using targets
  • Selection of specific measures or quality properties for reporting
  • Configuration of report pages
  • Targets in reporting
  • Tool pages
  • Using quality monitoring for the controlled creation of a safety case in compliance with ISO 26262
  • Verification of functional safety

Our Trainers

Dr. Hartmut Pohlheim
Dr. Hartmut Pohlheim
Dr. Hartmut Pohlheim
Managing Director
More Info

You Have Questions?

Prof. Dr. Mirko Conrad and Björn Kunze
Prof. Dr. Mirko Conrad & Björn Kunze
tudoor academy

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