Beyond Functional Safety: SOTIF
Are you interested in the safety of automated driving systems and curious about the SOTIF (Safety of the Intended Functionality) standard?
Officially released in 2022, the ISO 21448 standard is set to influence the way we ensure safety for automated driving systems. But what exactly is SOTIF and how does it differ from traditional functional safety? Join our webinar to learn about the conceptual framework of SOTIF and to get an overview of the SOTIF life cycle as per ISO 21448. Sign up now to gain valuable insights into the implications and requirements of this standard.
Dieses Webinar richtet sich an Automobilexpert:innen (Entwicklungsingenieur:innen, technische Führungskräfte, Qualitäts- und Projektmanager:innen), die an der Entwicklung von automatisierten Fahrsystemen beteiligt sind, sowie an alle, die sich für SOTIF interessieren.